Neurofeedback Treatment for Stroke
Have you or a loved one suffered from a stroke?
Neurofeedback is clinically proven effective in treating symptoms following a stroke, helping many patients increase independence and improve quality of life.
What is a stroke?
Stroke is a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) that can often leave the brain with abnormal and irregular brain waves. These types of injuries typically have no treatment options as the brain generally needs to repair itself, and injured brains are far more likely to experience trouble with this natural healing process.
Neurofeedback can help decrease the severity of stroke symptoms
Stroke is a disorder that affects millions of Americans each year and occurs when the blood supply to any part of the brain is interrupted or severely reduced. This disruption prevents the brain from getting oxygen and nutrients and can kill (brain) cells within minutes. When brain cells die during a stroke, bodily functions and abilities controlled by that area of the brain can be lost, sometimes temporarily but many times permanently.
How can neurofeedback help?
By measuring and mapping the abnormal brainwave activity in a post-stroke brain, qEEGs have been shown to have a highly prognostic function in predicting recovery in cerebral, ishemic, and hemorrhagic stroke victims. Neurofeedback promotes self-healing by slowly retraining the brain to return to normal functions using operant conditioning and the brain’s neuroplasticity. It helps return brainwave functioning to optimal levels and therefore improve post-stroke symptoms such as: 1,3
• confusion and memory loss
• trouble producing/understanding speech
• executive functioning
• trouble with gross motor skills such as ambulation, self-care, and ADL’s (activities of daily living)
• headaches/convergent issues
• numbness/weakness in arms or legs
• feelings of depression/anxiety
Jane’s Story
“I had two strokes before I came here and my memory, concentration, and my focus and attention span were bad. I couldn’t remember much at all. After a few sessions I started to notice a difference in the way I was at home. After neurofeedback I’m doing much better, I am driving, and I wouldn’t drive before. I wouldn’t communicate much and now I get out and go to a couple different groups and go into crowds. I am a teacher and now I am able to go back to work.”

Frequently Asked Questions
What are the warning signs of a stroke?
The American Heart Associate (AHA) uses the acronym FAST as a recommendation for how to spot signs of stroke. According to the AHA, FAST refers to:
- F-Face Drooping
- A-Arm Weakness
- S-Speech Difficulty
- T-Time to call 911 (for anyone exhibiting the above symptoms)
What are the leading causes of stroke?
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- Smoking
- Obesity
- Diabetes
Are strokes preventable?
Studies show that 80% of strokes are preventable by living a healthy lifestyle, despite stroke being the 5th leading cause of death for Americans and the leading cause of adult disability.
Is Neurofeedback Therapy a clinically proven treatment for stroke?
Many research studies show positive support for neurofeedback as a treatment for stroke. Please see a few examples below, and don’t hesitate to contact MyBrainDr for additional information and studies.
Specific effects of EEG based neurofeedback training on memory functions in post-stroke victims.
Effect of neurofeedback and electromyographic-biofeedback therapy on improving hand function in stroke patients.
Review our Sources
- Quantitative Electroencephalogaphy (QEEG) and Neurofeedback Training (NFT) for Elderly with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)
- The Use of EEG-Neurofeedback in Rehabilitation for Speech Disorders in Patients After Stroke
- Upper Alpha Based Neurofeedback Training in Chronic Stroke: Brain Plasticity Processes and Cognitive Effects
How do you know if this can help me or my loved one?
The first step is always a FREE Evaluation. During this one-on-one consultation, we will discuss your unique health history, current treatments, and if neurofeedback could be an effective treatment for you. No obligation. Call us at (919) 721-4800 or select the ‘FREE Evaluation’ button to schedule your FREE Evaluation today!