It’s normal to experience anxiety, especially when life throws obstacles in your way. But sometimes, anxiety isn’t caused by EXTERNAL factors. At times, anxiety is caused when brainwaves aren’t working as they should. It can be very frustrating to nail down why someone is suffering from anxiety, and even more frustrating to find a treatment that helps. Neurofeedback is one of those treatments, and it’s offered right here in the Cary, NC area.

Here is some information on how neurofeedback can be used to treat anxiety:

  1. Retrains brainwaves: We get a lot of questions along the lines of “What exactly does neurofeedback do?” Simply put, neurofeedback works by retraining brainwaves, so they function properly. Just like we can exercise our bodies for specific results, we can also exercise our brains.
  2. Simple process: One of the most attractive aspects of neurofeedback therapy is that it’s a fairly simple process. Patients enjoy watching TV or listening to music while the subconscious brain is working with the sounds and images on a screen to learn new patterns. Because it’s easy for patients to do the treatment, especially those who are treating anxiety, the option of neurofeedback is appealing to many.
  3. Drug-free option: Many healthcare professionals are quick to prescribe anxiety medications as a treatment for anxiety. While this may work for some, for others, it simply doesn’t. Also, medications tend to have side effects or leave patients feeling like they’re not quite themselves. With so many people concerned with overdose and prescription addictions, neurofeedback therapy can be a good option.
  4. Lasting: Like most treatments for anxiety (medication, counseling, coping strategies), once the treatments are over, anxiety can return shortly after stopping these symptom managements. However, there have been many cases in which neurofeedback therapy permanently treated anxiety.

This scientifically-proven way to treat anxiety can be the right fit for you. Contact MyBrainDR to set up a consultation to discuss how neurofeedback can help with anxiety