Neurofeedback Blog2024-02-04T21:18:52+00:00

Unlocking the Power of the Brain: How Neurofeedback Therapy Helps Treat Autism

Neurofeedback is an alternative treatment that is gaining popularity in helping individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) to improve their cognitive and social abilities. Autism represents a spectrum of conditions that affect people in different ways, with different degrees of

The Terrible Effects Of Insomnia: Why A Good Night’s Sleep Is Essential For Mental Health

1. Introduction Most people are familiar with the consequences of a bad night’s sleep. We’ve all been there – feeling groggy and sluggish the next day after a sleepless night. But what many people don’t realize is that the effects

Alpha Theta Treatment: A Promising New Treatment Option for Anxiety and Emotional Processing

1. Introducing Alpha Theta treatment – a new treatment option for anxiety and emotional processing disorders Alpha Theta (AT) treatment is a form of neurofeedback that uses brain waves to help people suffering from anxiety and emotional processing disorders.  Anxiety

The Gut-Brain Connection: 5 Ways To Improve Your Mood And Mental Health

You’ve probably heard of the gut-brain connection, but did you know that there is a growing body of evidence to suggest that the gut-brain connection is real? The gut-brain axis is the bidirectional relationship between the gut and the brain.

The Role of Neurofeedback as a Complementary Therapy to Talk Psychotherapy

Talk therapy is the most commonly used form of treatment for mental illness, but it is not the only option available. Neurofeedback is a non-invasive, complementary therapy that is gaining popularity as an alternative to medication and a complement to

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