Neurofeedback Blog2024-02-04T21:18:52+00:00

Unlocking Sobriety: How Neurofeedback Therapy Offers Hope for Alcohol Addiction Recovery

Alcohol addiction, a prevalent issue affecting individuals and families worldwide, demands our attention. It's a problem that goes beyond demographics, leaving no corner of society untouched. While countless individuals confront their addiction and embark on the path to recovery, the

Mind Over Matter: The Game-Changing Impact of Neurofeedback on Athletic Performance

Netflix’s “Quarterback” This summer, the new Netflix series "Quarterback" captivated many American viewers. A particular scene from this series has potentially shifted public perception about neurofeedback therapy, highlighting its significance in a new and intriguing light. Neurofeedback therapy, or EEG

Beyond The Medication: A Non-Invasive Tool to Combat Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is a debilitating condition that affects millions of people worldwide, often leading to a reduced quality of life and reliance on medication to manage the symptoms. While medication can provide temporary relief, it may come with side effects

Does Neurofeedback Therapy Work? Hear from MyBrainDR Patients

Our journey at MyBrainDR is marked by inspiring stories of individuals overcoming challenges and achieving remarkable progress in their mental health and cognitive abilities. From managing anxiety and enhancing social skills in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to boosting

The Heart-Brain Connection: Understanding the Link Between ADHD Medications and Dementia Risk

The Heart-Brain Connection: Understanding the Link Between ADHD Medications and Dementia Risk In recent years, the relationship between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medications, cardiovascular health, and the potential connection to dementia risk has emerged as a topic of significant

What is Neurofeedback? Behind the Scenes of a Neurofeedback Session at MyBrainDR

Looking to get started with your first neurofeedback session? Let's make sure that you have completed these steps first. Free evaluation? Check. Brain Scan? Check. Customized Treatment Plan? Check! Now you are all set to start neurofeedback sessions. Welcome to

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